AION Management Town Hall 2021

by | Dec 23, 2021 | Uncategorized

The month of December was a busy one for AION Management. This year rather than conduct our Bi-Annual Town Hall Via Zoom we decided to take our leadership team on the road and visit each region to celebrate our properties and our team’s successes. Led by AION Management’s President, Robin Flagler, and AION Partner’s Managing Director, Michael Betancourt, leadership thanked our onsite teams who worked tirelessly during the Pandemic and allowed AION to successfully grow by almost 10,000 units in 2020 and 2021. Thank you to the onsite AION Team! You are all truly amazing and inspiring. AION really embodies #OneTeamOneDream and we are lucky to have such amazing team members and friends. We look forward to AION’s year of empowerment in 2022 and continued growth and success. Happy Holidays!